by Daryl Slusher | May 27, 2020 | Land Development Code/Zoning
by Daryl Slusher Since the proposed new Land Development Code (LDC) and accompanying citywide rezonings were driven back from the proverbial five yard line in March and April, the fierce debate over that issue has been in something of a lull. A coalition of primarily... by Daryl Slusher | Apr 21, 2020 | Land Development Code/Zoning
by Daryl Slusher Austin’s Land Development Code (LDC) rewrite recently made an appearance on the Austin City Council agenda. This was at their April 9 online, socially distanced meeting. The meeting was otherwise dominated by coronavirus briefings and...
by Daryl Slusher | Mar 18, 2020 | Land Development Code/Zoning
by Daryl Slusher Nine Vote Super Majority Now Required To UpZone Homes Against Owner’s Wishes First and Second Reading Council Votes Quashed Travis County District Judge Jan Soifer this afternoon ruled for the plaintiffs, and against the City of Austin, in a lawsuit...
by Daryl Slusher | Mar 17, 2020 | Land Development Code/Zoning
by Daryl Slusher In our continuing coverage of Austin’s Land Development Code (LDC) saga, this episode recounts the adventures of City Demographer Ryan Robinson. For our opening episode see Austin LDC – Our Own Tragidrama Reality Show.) City Demographer...
by Daryl Slusher | Mar 16, 2020 | Land Development Code/Zoning
City Postpones Hearings and Third Reading Vote on Land Development Code by Daryl Slusher In the time of the corona virus everyone has to determine how to best to carry on their responsibilities in the new and ever changing situation. For local, somewhat specialized...
by Daryl Slusher | Mar 10, 2020 | Land Development Code/Zoning
by Daryl Slusher Austin’s Land Development Code (LDC) rewrite is a very difficult bear to wrestle down and explain. It weighs in at well over 1,000 pages, comes with tons of jargon that make an already complex and mind numbing subject harder to understand, and...