by Daryl Slusher | Aug 26, 2021 | True Stories
I want to begin today’s column with a few words about my friend Arnold Garcia, former Editorial Board Chairman at the Austin American-Statesman. Arnold passed away from pancreatic cancer on August 12. The Statesman did a superb job of giving him his due, in a story...
by Daryl Slusher | Apr 30, 2020 | Coronavirus, True Stories
Dan Patrick Still Willing to Die for the Cause Previously Adroit Abbot Caves In The Left Wing, China and the Coronavirus by Daryl Slusher Even though, as I mentioned in an adjoining post, I was one of the most frequent diners at Threadgill’s, I certainly don’t want to...
by Daryl Slusher | Mar 25, 2020 | Coronavirus, True Stories
by Daryl Slusher Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick leaped into national headlines this week by volunteering to die for the economy. Patrick told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson: “Tucker, no one reached out to me and said, as a senior citizen, are you willing to take a...