by Daryl Slusher | Jan 19, 2025 | Austin Elections
Happy New Year folks. The Austin Independent is returning from a long break after losing part of our Christmas season to the Council runoff election (a little on the election results below). I realize that a lot of folks can’t face looking at the news right now, or...
by Daryl Slusher | Nov 13, 2024 | Uncategorized
The day before the election last week I made a rare foray into commenting on national politics. I mean, it was the presidential election. Everybody has a take on that. Given the widespread feeling that the race was a toss up, I listed five reasons Donald Trump might...
by Daryl Slusher | Nov 4, 2024 | Uncategorized
The Austin Independent is primarily a journal about local government and politics, but we reserve the right to occasionally comment on national affairs. It has been a long time since we did so, but now seems like the right time. What follows is just a list I made of...
by Daryl Slusher | Feb 14, 2022 | Austin Elections
With one election already done, another one fast approaching, and more after that, 2022 may set records for the number of elections in Austin. We just finished one in which Chito Vela won the special election to replace outgoing Council Member Greg Casar in District 4...
by Daryl Slusher | Jul 21, 2021 | True Stories
I’m originally from Virginia. Over the fifty years that I’ve been in Texas, when I tell people that I’m originally from Virginia, at least half of them reflexively repeat back to me, “West Virginia.” Sometimes it’s in the form of a question; other times it’s not. I...